About Me

When the worst of life exists, there has to be something relatable or that can provide an escape. Hope is the shared human experience and reminder that we are not alone. Strength means remaining good, kind, and hopeful in the darkest parts of life, and that is proof that hope exists. My work will be that escape. It will be that hope. I want to also inspire hope and provide an escape from life for my audience, even in the darkest places where it seems that the light does not reach.

Currently in my personal 2D art pieces and my recent animation Childhood, I explore regret, doubt, and mistakes. More importantly, I offer my characters the opportunity to grow and to take control of their lives. My goal is to inspire our capability of regaining what feels lost through example. In times when I cannot internally process my emotions and environment, I turn to external sources such as my art to escape. This allows me to take abstract feelings and turn it into something tangible. Then, the story can be understood and by extension the feelings and lesson can be recognized.

I work with 2D and 3D art. Focusing on design and animation, I want my art to speak to others. I envision my stories from pain and a lifetime of responsibility. Certain events such as being abandoned by my father, becoming the man of the house at 12 years old, and almost becoming homeless made me very aware of how people feel and react towards things.  Struggles with morality, communication, trust, and peace are sometimes too entangled in experiences to define and their meanings are lost. I find that through my art, I am able to understand what my experiences mean to me. I want to be for others what I try to find in myself, and the people around me: hope.